Special Issue on in-work poverty of the Journal Sozialer Fortschritt: German Review of Social Policy

Our partners Christina Hiessl from KU-Leuven and Bernd Waas from Goethe University of Frankfurt have edited a German-language Special Issue on in-work poverty (“Armut trotz Arbeit”), which is about to be published as Vol. 72 (2023) Issue 2 of the Journal Sozialer Fortschritt: German Review of Social Policy

It includes contributions by the German Labour Ministry´s spokesperson for poverty and wellbeing, a leading economist specialising in poverty research, the chairperson of the Frankfurt job centre for means-tested benefit recipients, senior spokespersons of the Federal-level confederations of German trade unions and employers associations, and Christina Hiessl.

Stay tuned for the publication on our “Reading room” section!