Publication “In-Work Poverty in Europe”

“In-Work Poverty in Europe: Vulnerable and Under-Represented Persons in a Comparative Perspective” thoroughly analyses the direct and indirect measures combating in-work poverty.

This book contributes to a better knowledge and understanding of in-work poverty, thus equipping policymakers at the EU and national levels fully attend to the strengths and shortcomings of indicators and allowing the assessment of comparative best practices among the Member States (Belgium, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, and Sweden).

Contributors: Luca Ratti, Antonio García-Muñoz,  Vincent Vergnat, Eleni De Becker, Alexander Dockx, Paul Schoukens, Christina Hießl, Ester Villa, Giulia Marchi, Nicola De Luigi, Mijke Houwerzijl, Nuna Zekic, Sonja Bekker, Marion Evers, Monika Tomaszewska, Aleksandra Peplinska & Ann-Christine Hartzén.

Publisher: Wolters Kluwer

Read the book here.