New book “Working Yet Poor: Challenges to EU Social Citizenship”

This open access book explores the EU regulatory framework to measure in-work poverty and reduce its impact on different groups of workers in the labour market. Its innovative approach links the enhancement of social rights with the full realisation of EU citizenship entitlements and values.

For almost two decades, EU countries have experienced rampant inequalities as well as the varied spread of in-work poverty, both around Europe and within national labour markets. Without the realistic prospect of EU citizens earning a decent living, the substantive content of EU citizenship itself could be put in jeopardy.

Following an in-depth scrutiny of the main policy options at both EU and national levels to reduce the number of working poor, this invaluable resource provides a theoretical reflection on the role of legislation and socio-fiscal welfare in contemporary labour markets.

Contributors: Luca Ratti, Paul Schoukens, Antonio García-Muñoz, Christina HiesslMijke Houwerzijl, Marta Capesciotti, Roberta Paoletti, Ane Aranguiz, Giulia Marchi, Eleni De BeckerRamon Pena Casas, Dalila Ghaliani, Korina KominouAnkie Hartzén, Vincenzo Pietrogiovanni, Alexander Dockx and Eleni De Becker.

Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing

Available on 28 December 2023

More information here.