
The WYP Project

The project Working, Yet Poor (WorkYP) is focused on the increasing social trend of working people at risk or below the poverty line. The overall purpose is to effectively prevent the risk of social dumping, reduce economic shocks, and grant EU citizens, mostly those who do not circulate, regaining confidence in public governance and substantiating their citizenry’s status.


The WorkYP Consortium
is composed by 11 partners, of which
8 Universities and
3 Social Rights Institutions


Papers by our researchers, video-reportages, press articles and a reading room with reports, statistics and articles for a better understanding of in-work poverty


Project meetings, national and international conferences on in-work poverty
promoted and organized
by WorkYP consortium



The WYP Project

Luca Ratti, project coordinator, presents the aims and scope of the Working yet poor project funded by the European Union in the Horizon2020 framework.


Let’s get in touch

Project coordinator:
Luca Ratti (luca.ratti@uni.lu)

Communication and dissemination activities
Barbara De Micheli (demicheli@fondazionebrodolini.eu)